My services

I am an independent expert working in the intersection of human rights and technology. My previous experience as a lawyer defending migrant and labour rights provided me with a specific insider knowledge of the impact of policies on people. Thanks to my international and EU experience I can bring valuable advice and strategies to make an impact on relevant policies.

I provide a wide range of consultancy services for non-profit organisations that want to expand their work in the context of the European Union institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the EU).

Company number in Belgium (N° d'entreprise): 1014.620.394

EU flag image generated by Yanni Koutsomitis
EU flag image generated by Yanni Koutsomitis
EU advocacy training sessions

Do you want to influence a legislative proposal but you do not know what to start? Are you confused with the EU legislative maze? I organise 1-day, 3- day and week-long trainings on EU advocacy to put your organisation up to speed.

Occasional consultations on EU affairs

It may well be that you already follow some EU dossiers but you do not always have the time to research who are the most influential Members of the European Parliament or which person in the European Commission you should contact. Or you know already who you want to contact but you are not sure how to convey your message effectively to them. I can support you in short meetings to achieve your advocacy objectives.

Make an impact on EU legislation

I can represent or advise your non-profit organisation, foundation and think tank before the EU institutions, providing you direct access to key players and with immediate information and impact on any relevant European legislation affecting your interests and the public interest.

Image by CC-BY

― My background

I graduated from Law school and practised law in Spain and worked for more than 9 years as EDRi's Head of Policy (October 2014-January 2024).

I advocate for the protection of citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms online. In the past, I also gained experience in the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and the Free Software Foundation Europe. Previously to all that I worked as a lawyer in Spain on migration and labour law issues.

I was appointed to the expert group on digital rights set up by the Spanish Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda between 2017-2018.

While still finishing my Law Degree studies I co-founded of the Andalusian human rights organisation Grupo 17 de Marzo.

Among other publications, I am a co-author of the Council of Europe's Study DGI(2014)31 "Human Rights Violations Online", prepared by EDRi for the Council of Europe and co-authored an op-ed in the New York Times, along with many other publications at the national and international levels.

I currently sit in the Advisory Board of the World Ethical Data Foundation and in the Board of the Ema Alumni association.

---- Castellano

Soy jurista y cofundador de la organización de derechos humanos Grupo 17 de Marzo. Trabajé como Director de Incidencia Política (Head of Policy) en la ONG European Digital Rights (EDRi) de octubre de 2014 a enero de 2024, donde me especialicé en la protección de los derechos fundamentales y libertades en el ámbito de internet (derechos digitales). En ese contexto lideré el equipo de incidencia política de EDRi, preparé y supervisé los planes de trabajo anuales, el manifiesto para las elecciones europeas de 2024 y también tuve a mi cargo la representación de alto nivel de EDRi en asuntos relacionados con políticas digitales.

Durante un breve tiempo formé parte del grupo de expertos que puso en marcha el Ministerio de Industria del Gobierno de España (2017-2018).

Antes de formar parte de EDRi, trabajé; en la Agencia Europea de Derechos Fundamentales (FRA) y en la Fundación Europea de Software Libre (FSFE).

Soy co-autor del Estudio del Consejo de Europa DGI(2014)31 preparado por EDRi para el Consejo de Europa y publicado el 4 de Diciembre de 2014. He colaborado en revistas internacionales de derecho laboral, derechos humanos, en la Revista La Toga, en la revista del Tribunal Penal para la Antigua Yugoslavia, y en otras publicaciones a nivel internacional, incluido el New York Times.

En la actualidad sirvo en el Consejo (Advisory Board) de la World Ethical Data Foundation y en el Consejo de la asociación de antiguos alumnos del Máster Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Ema Alumni.

― Work experience
Access to justice - Legal researcher

EU Fundamental Rights Agency / Jul 2013 - Aug 2014

I supported the work of the access to justice and data protection teams by producing quality research work and supervising the work if FRA's contractors at the national level.

― Education
Global Campus for Human Rights Europe

Master's degree, Human Rights / 2011

Universidad de Sevilla - Facultad de Derecho

Bachelor’s degree (full degree), Law / 2007

Independent consultant / Consultor independiente
N° d'entreprise : 1014.620.394

Independent / June 2024 - Present

I support non-profit organisations (NGOs, Foundations) that work for the protection of human rights, with a focus on digital rights. I support these organisations by bringing their voice to the EU institutions.

In addition to that, I also organise EU advocacy training sessions for non-profit organisations that want to influence a legislative proposal but do not know where to start.

Legal Assistant to the Defence Counsel (Pro Bono)

International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia / Jan 2012 - Jul 2012

Prepared legal and factual research for the lead attorney analysed and summarised witness summaries to be used in the investigation of the case.

Lawyer / Abogado

Calesur SLL / Jul 2008 - Dec 2009

Represented clients before the courts in labour law, administrative law, civil law and criminal law cases.

Legal Adviser / Asesor legal

Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad / Jun 2006 - Jul 2008

Prepared legal and factual research for the lead attorney analysed and summarised witness summaries to be used in the investigation of the case.

Head of Policy / Director de incidencia política

European Digital Rights (EDRi)  / Oct 2014 - Jan 2024

I led the Policy Team, prepared annual work plans, supervised position papers, amendments and led the work of the EDRi manifesto for the 2024 European elections

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